One of Sewing Hope's initiatives for this fall was to send 3 of our teacher to do additional training to improve their skills, eventually to pass on to their students. Well, I am happy to report that all 3 have completed the 3 months course. I went to visit them on Friday and see the results of their education.

From Left: Toepista, an assistant teacher who actually was not part of the class, but in the picture because we love her. Mary (front) who everyone affectionately calls "old Mary". "Young Mary" is next (in white), then Sarah. And, in the lower right corner is Kanna, their teacher. These women not only learned alot, but were proud and happy to tell me how much they love eachother and now consider themselves family. They pulled out piles and piles of work they had completed. I could see the stages of improvement through the weeks they worked. See some before-and-after's of their work below. Here are pictures of the Marys with examples of their first day of class, and their final projects. Notice the difference in quality from the first to the last. I am very proud of their improvement, as they are. In Lusoga, the local language here, we would say, "Bulungi!", or "Beautiful!".

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