Below are Fount of Mercy's Tweet's from Uganda. Read from the bottom up for chronological order.
* Kampala's main taxi park is very overwhelming to walk through.
* @Mishellj 's photos from Uganda with @fountofmercy are absolutely stunning. So proud of her work (via @Kevin_Slack)
* Currently reading: @fountofmercy (via @Dr0id)
* Pic of a proud Ugandan women showing off her new necklace design to be sold in Jinja.
* Founts vocational development team just taught a group of Ugandan women a new necklace design & made a connection w them w a local store
* Fount's community health team spoke w older Ugandan women about menopause, news for many of the women
* This past week Sewing Hope (a fount of mercy program) held a 2nd men's tailoring class with the organization Care and Share.
* The woman of Care & Share sang us a song of celebration the first day we visited them.
* Getting the chance to skim through Uganda photos. this is hard & overwhelming. im going to have to take baby steps w this. (via @Mishellj)
* @mishellj taught a photography class today in makindye, Uganda
* Here's a beautiful pic from our visit to murchison falls in Uganda
* Back from the safari. It was amazing!!
* Our educational development team leaves today for safari. Super excited to see giraffes, elephants, hippos and lions.
* Today the Sewing Hope team taught women from the village of Lawanda how to make bags & mens shirts. One women completed an entire bag today! Tue Jul 27 13:35:25 2010
* Today I visited a school started by 1 of the orphans fount has suported for yrs. We are so proud of him! Tue Jul 27 13:28:28 2010
* Founts girls camp was a huge sucess. Over 50 women, we discussed puberty, sex ed & misconceptions. Sun Jul 25 14:21:27 2010
* We just donated curriculum to Roc Primary School in Lawanda, Uganda Fri Jul 23 11:30:12 2010
* I'm wearing a skirt that was made by one of the Ugandan vocational developments projects we support. Fri Jul 23 10:34:31 2010
* Pic of Becky and Jamie leading gymnastic activities Fri Jul 23 00:49:53 2010
* Pic of @mishellj showing deaf students how to frame a picture with her camera. Fri Jul 23 00:41:33 2010
* Last day with the deaf students was wonderful! They gave each of us a sign name. Fri Jul 23 00:39:30 2010
* Yesterday we attended a vocational womens group meeting. Our translator translated all the gossip :)
* Awesome day w deaf students!! These children are the most affectionate children in the world! Huge hugs! Wed Jul 21 12:24:43 2010
* Fount dancing in the beautiful Ugandan rain Wed Jul 21 12:03:22 2010 via
* Sad news, last night one of TAOST students, Joshua, died. Although school continued today, their was a sense of mourning. Tue Jul 20 12:47:39 2010
* I got my two-year work visa! The work continues in Uganda - Lori Mon Jul 19 13:27:53 2010
* The sewing hope team has confirmed that difficult machines exist all over the world. But our students are overcoming them and making shirts! Mon Jul 19 13:22:35 2010
* Today our community health dir, spoke w a principal. The topic is the need for public health in his school. Mon Jul 19 10:27:33 2010
* @mishellj reading with little Dan today at TAOST Mon Jul 19 10:21:23 2010
* Met a nice Ugandan man who works for USAID. We shared stories. He thinks our model is solid. He said "I am proud of Fount" So encouraging!! Sun Jul 18 03:52:40 2010
* 5 members of our team are white water rafting the Nile today! Sun Jul 18 03:20:25 2010
* Want to read about our work via our volunteers perspectives? Please follow Fount of Mercy's travel blog. Sun Jul 18 03:12:49 2010
* Pic of Sewing Hope busy at work (Sewing Hope, a Fount of Mercy program, provides vocational development) Fri Jul 16 06:28:30 2010
* This week our vocational dev team has been working w local sewing teachers, teaching new skills to share w their classes in their villages Fri Jul 16 05:22:43 2010
* Met w teachers from a new school. To teach 4 grades they only have 1 English & 1 math book. Were going to buy them 1 subject book per grade! Fri Jul 16 05:19:15 2010
* Today we wrked w 20 visually impaired kids. It was so rewarding to sing, read w & play w these children Thu Jul 15 11:50:27 2010
* The resturant where we are eating tonight looks like a medieval times! Ha :) jousting competition soon Thu Jul 15 11:44:40 2010
* Beautiful jinja Thu Jul 15 11:38:22 2010
* @Mishellj our community health dir is excited to use the anatomy posters u donated. Theyll be used during this months puberty camp. Thanks Wed Jul 14 12:10:09 2010
* Pic of Jamie leading a math strategies discussion with TAOST teachers (the AIDS Orphan Support Trust) Wed Jul 14 11:50:48 2010
* The Internet is back :) it had been gone since Sunday. We are safe in jinja and really enjoying our work. Wed Jul 14 11:37:40 2010
* Great day in the village, singing and dancing with the sewing group. Sat Jul 10 13:43:42 2010
* @luartfan good news, through a grant we have filled the shelves with Ugandan text books! They defiantly could use childrens story books. 1:55 PM Jul 8th
* Taught Hope Academy yoga today. They loved it! Also taught compare & contrast using the original and new version of the 3 little pigs. 1:27 PM Jul 8th
* Hope Academy in Iganga, Uganda graciously cooked us lunch today. Beans, cooked pumpkin leaves & poshu (a corn meal dish) It was really good 1:21 PM Jul 8th
* Woke up this morning to a beautiful thunderstorm. 11:45 PM Jul 7th
* We watched the game last night with some Ugandan friends at a restaurant called 2 friends. The place was packed and the energy so much fun. 11:44 PM Jul 7th
* Great day today. Taught Ugandan students the musical alphabet, gifted the school w curriculum and discussed strategies for teaching reading. 10:30 AM Jul 7th
* From the safety of my room I just watched three monkeys fight over a papaya. The little one won! 8:54 AM Jul 5th
* We made it to Kampala. Its great to be back! Once the rest of our volunteers arrive this afternoon were off to Jinja to start work tomorrow. 3:10 AM Jul 5th