Friday, January 25, 2013

Field Report…education development program.

Unlike US schools, which go from August to May, Ugandan schools are in session from beginning of February till the end of November.

One of the community schools in Fount of Mercy’s Education Development Cohort, named “Gospel Home”, held their end of year class promotion /graduation party celebrations recently.  This school has enjoyed and benefitted from Fount of Mercy Educational Developmental   and training programs, including:
a)      Early Childhood teacher curriculum trainings held in July 2012.

b)      Positive  discipline in a Nursery classroom conducted  in  November 2012
Among those invited to the celebrations were parents /guardians, community leaders, and representative from Fount of Mercy, Francis Emolu.
“The Director of the school and his teachers who attended the workshops expressed gratitude to Fount of Mercy for the knowledge and skills that the teachers learned and acquired from their training/workshops, [which] in turn, benefitted their learners so much.”  Francis Omulu.
School Curriculum practices like scheming and lesson planning are basic teaching tools, along with safe school environments for our children, and child-centered teaching.
The director humbly requested Fount of Mercy to include their school in future teacher training programs during 2013.
Fount of Mercy, on the other hand, was grateful for the invitation and the service their school is rendering to the community around their area.  Fount looks forward to working with them more in 2013.    
--written by Francis Emolu, Educational Development Associate        

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