This past July, Fount of Mercy had a team visit Uganda and host a leadership conference for local Ugandan organization directors, educators and pastors. We are beyond thankful for their work and the time they invested in preparing for the four-day conference. We had an average of forty participants attend and the response was incredibly positive.
The courses the team offered these leaders included: public speaking, research methods, project management, conflict resolution, sewing and tailoring, teaching kids art, teaching kids music, leadership/team-building, and training the trainer.
This work was hugely successful and we couldn't be more proud of all that this team accomplished with their time and skills. We're hoping that this leadership conference will happen annually and are excited about the opportunities it will afford leaders as they serve their community's orphan and vulnerably child population and as they empower caregivers in their independence and livelihood. A huge thank-you to our volunteers for all they did to make this a success! We are grateful for you!
Rebecca Brown
Fount of Mercy's Director of Communications

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