In the Spring of 2011, Care and Share's school, Rock Primary, shut its doors. Sitting down with Care and Share's director, Robert, it became apparent why. The burden of running the school was just too great for one man to handle. In brainstorming with Robert it became very clear that Rock Primary needed the communities involvement, support and ownership.
Working with his wife Olivia and Fount of Mercy, Robert has formed Rock Primary's first Community Group. In the first meeting over 12 parents from the community attended. Each member voiced their value of the school and their commitment to see it reopen. Since the initial meeting, members have elected leadership, have identified what needs to happen in order to reopen the school, how they will mobilize the community to reopen the school and have even voiced dreams for the school's future.
Working together as a community, Robert, Olivia and local parents are empowered and motivated to open Rock Primary's closed doors. The parents investment in the school demonstrates their value of education and is a huge step towards the sustainability of Care and Share's school.
Written by Michelle Averna
Fount's Executive Director and acting Educational Development Director

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