Fount of Mercy is honored to be working with a Ugandan organization that reaches out to deaf, blind and disabled children and caregivers. HODASSU is a very special organization, whom many of our volunteers have had the privilege to serve alongside. We are thankful for HODASSU and for the many volunteers who have connected with HODASSU's deaf and blind community.
Michelle worked with deaf students from HODASSU in the summer of 2010. Her time with the students had such an impact on her, that when she returned to New York City she immediately signed up to take weekly sign language classes. Six months later Michelle returned to Uganda to continue her work with HODASSU's deaf students; this time to speak to them in sign language without a translator.
"Walking up to the deaf unit again I was a little nervous, but then I saw the kids. I recognized every face and when they saw mine they came running to me and engulfed me in hugs. It was an amazing welcome and to be able to sign to the kids 'I remember you! And you!' felt so good!" - Michelle Johnston
Lynn taught deaf and blind students from HODASSU how to make jewelry during the early part of 2011.
"Spending time with these kids and teaching them, not only vocational skills, but how to think or have a choice of what beads to string together... brings an overwhelming joy for me. How soon before I return?" - Lynn Bailey
Thanks to our incredible volunteers for all their hard work and efforts!